Using Plugins

AWS EC2 Discovery

The AWS EC2 Discovery plugin allows the connector to discover EC2 instances in an AWS account for which the connector has credentials. The connector will use AWS credentials available on the AWS default credential provider chain in order to scan for resources in the AWS account. By default the plugin will only scan the AWS region of the default AWS profile available to the connector -- however you can add any number of regions, provide a non-default AWS profile value, and even provide static AWS credentials.

AWS ECS Discovery

The AWS ECS Discovery plugin allows the connector to discover ECS services in an AWS account for which the connector has credentials. The connector will use AWS credentials available on the AWS default credential provider chain in order to scan for resources in the AWS account. By default the plugin will only scan the AWS region of the default AWS profile available to the connector -- however you can add any number of regions, provide a non-default AWS profile value, and even provide static AWS credentials.

AWS RDS Discovery

The AWS RDS Discovery plugin allows the connector to discover RDS database instances in an AWS account for which the connector has credentials. The connector will use AWS credentials available on the AWS default credential provider chain in order to scan for resources in the AWS account. By default the plugin will only scan the AWS region of the default AWS profile available to the connector -- however you can add any number of regions, provide a non-default AWS profile value, and even provide static AWS credentials.

Kubernetes Discovery

The Kubernetes Discovery plugin allows the connector to discover Kubernetes Services.

Docker Discovery


Network Discovery