Integrations Overview

Border0 is designed to work seamlessly with third-party services. Using Border0's modular approach to integrations, customers can link their external service accounts or namespaces with their Border0 organization. Once a third-party service integration has been established in a Border0 organization, it can be used to enhance various Border0 features, maximizing productivity and efficiency.

"Integrations" tab under Organization Settings

"Integrations" tab under Organization Settings

Built-In Integration Types

Currently, Border0 supports the following integration types:

  • Generic HTTP: Integrate an HTTP API service with your Border0 organization for policy evaluations
  • PagerDuty OnCall: Integrate a PagerDuty account with your Border0 organization for extending policies with information about the state of a PagerDuty service
  • PagerDuty Events: Integrate a PagerDuty service with your Border0 organization for sending critical notifications on session/audit events
  • AWS CloudWatch Logs: Integrate your Border0 organization with CloudWatch Logs in your AWS account for automatically exporting session/audit events


Not happy with our selection of third-party service integrations?

We take customer feedback very seriously - shoot us an email at and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.

Adding a Third-Party Integration

In this page you will find generic instructions on how to add a new third-party service integration. For instructions on how to add a specific third-party service integration, including required configuration, refer to the following pages:

Portal Instructions

  • [1] Select "Organization Settings" from the Border0 menu (left-side pane) on the Portal
  • [2] Select "Integrations" from the Organization Settings page
  • [3] Select the "+ New" button above the integrations table
  • [4] Select the pane corresponding to the type of the integration you wish to add
  • [5] Populate the new integration form with the relevant parameters
  • [6] Click the "Submit" button