Troubleshooting the VPN client

If you're experiencing issues with VPN connectivity on the client, please check these commands

$ border0 node debug
Border0 network node debug commands

  border0 node debug [command]

Available Commands:
  peers          display the status of peer-to-peer connectivity
  stats          display the stats of the underlying WireGuard device
  wg             display the status of WireGuard configuration

Checking Peer Connectivity

The command border0 node debug peersshows the connection status to all peers, and all available paths (udp4, udp6 and udpR), including the round trip time and packet loss. This helps determine the health of the path to each peer.

|                     ALIAS                     | PRIVATE IPV4 |      PRIVATE IPV6      |                PUBLIC ADDRESSES                | METHOD |   RTT  |   LOSS  |  MTU |  SCORE |       LATEST REPLY       | ACTIVE |
|              vpn-connector-xxxxxx             | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::6 |                   |  udp4  |  58 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9568 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |    *   |
|                                               |              |                        |  2jiM9UliJT4jSlxgeas3Dq+o3bcw9Ygy+HBGwYzbN34=  |  udpR  |  59 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9562 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |        |
|                                               |              |                        |                 |  udp4  |  25 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9800 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |    *   |
|                   yvr01-vpn                   | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::1 |              [2605:80:8:1::]:32442             |  udp6  |    -   | 100.00% | 1380 | 0.0000 |             -            |        |
|                                               |              |                        |  6Lt8Am0SfQj2b1dc88w+V8MqtK6vfj+ggouYh/kBTG4=  |  udpR  |  93 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9352 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |        |
|                   e2evpntest                  | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::5 |                 |  udp4  |  56 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9584 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |    *   |
|                                               |              |                        |  DKIxit6BLby7JBjKvbBBLwd8qMeiC4+Zqm5JH30hm1c=  |  udpR  |  56 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9584 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |        |
|                                               |              |                        |                   |  udp4  | 196 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.8835 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |    *   |
|                  raspberrypi                  | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::b |  [2001:1c02:2d0d:ab00:35:da43:79bd:8d41]:32442 |  udp6  |    -   | 100.00% | 1380 | 0.0000 |             -            |        |
|                                               |              |                        |  QzCJLab//V2H27A782uUbD1oy3/fsjCPlh6GsRPiamI=  |  udpR  | 253 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.8621 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |        |
|                docker-connector               | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::3 |                    |  udp4  |    -   | 100.00% | 1380 | 0.0000 |             -            |        |
|                                               |              |                        |  fGnm9A+izvMo00E0j4EyEuNz+lZ+781soduNjfpTeUs=  |  udpR  |    -   | 100.00% | 1380 | 0.0000 |             -            |    *   |
|                 paris-ip4-test                | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::c |                 |  udp4  |    -   | 100.00% | 1380 | 0.0000 |             -            |        |
|                                               |              |                        |  gDJ9If0XB62phwAtf7qkuW8mtmGMx0gueIq+ECgYGG0=  |  udpR  |    -   | 100.00% | 1380 | 0.0000 |             -            |    *   |
|                  aws-us-east                  | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::2 |                   |  udp4  |  54 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9600 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |        |
|                                               |              |                        |  qzuHoDz7i2eRjWp6MDotrH/b2RVeApUaOISiqKeP4mg=  |  udpR  |  52 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9613 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |    *   |
| ip-172-31-35-20-ca-central-1-compute-internal | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::9 |                   |  udp4  |  77 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.9448 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |    *   |
|                                               |              |                        |  z6F7fis94pbLXPe/oWK7rvXeG1yWZf5+76eOH/Upvnc=  |  udpR  | 222 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.8730 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |        |
|                                               |              |                        |                   |  udp4  | 172 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.8937 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |    *   |
|                   stockholm                   | | fd62:6f72:6465:7230::8 | [2a05:f480:2000:224b:5400:5ff:fe34:2dff]:32442 |  udp6  |    -   | 100.00% | 1380 | 0.0000 |             -            |        |
|                                               |              |                        |  zXpkm9jbjFqmNRtHKcrfGw3Gin+4KkjLEHPGE1U0t38=  |  udpR  | 246 ms |  0.00%  | 1380 | 0.8643 | 4s ago (unix:1738390989) |        |

Key Indicators:
✅ RTT (Round Trip Time) – A lower RTT means a faster connection.
✅ Loss – Should ideally be 0%. High loss may indicate network issues on a given path.
✅ Active – The path with a * is the preferred path to a given peer.

Collecting support information

If you're experiencing issues, collect diagnostic logs to share with the Border0 support team.

Generate a Support File

border0 support collect --output support-info.json

This will create a file support-info.json containing service logs, vpn state,, routing table data, connection details and more needed for troubleshooting.